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An OLED display floats in front of a lake and mountains with sunlight streaming through clouds, showing vivid, lifelike image quality. An OLED display floats in front of a lake and mountains with sunlight streaming through clouds, showing vivid, lifelike image quality.
OLED自发光,自然更健康 구름 사이 햇빛이 내리쬐는 넓은 호수와 산 앞에 OLED 디스플레이가 떠 있으며, 자연과 구분되지 않는 생생한 화질이 표현되고 있다.



LCD An elliptical galaxy shines dimly in space on the LCD screen with local dimming technology.
OLED An elliptical galaxy shines brightly in space on the OLED screen with self-emissive technology, without light leakage.




The structure of an LCD screen with layers labeled BLU, POL, CELL, and Glass, displaying a canyon image.
  • BLU (背光模组) 是一种将光均匀分布于LCD面板上的照明单元。
  • POL (偏光片) 是一种滤光膜,它将白光从背光单元滤出,从而调节光线方向。
  • CELL 是一块依据产品大小切割出的单独的小面板。


The structure of an OLED screen with layers labeled Film, TFT & OLED, and Encap, displaying a canyon image.
  • Film(抗反射膜) 用来提高能见度和分辨率。
  • TFT(薄膜晶体管) 充当开关,打开和关闭单个发光像素。

    OLED(有机发光二极管) 是一种自发光电子电路元件,其利用每个电子和空穴后激子能量损失所产生的光从而发挥作用。
  • Encap(封装技术) 保护有机发光二极管(OLED)免受冲击、水分和杂质影响。


  • Red sun pictogram


  • Color chart icon


  • One Black eye icon


  • Recycling pictogram



看看OLED如何以精准、 舒适、环保的方式还原自然的图像吧。

  • Accurate pictogram
    • 100% 实时像素控光
    • 100% 精准色彩
    • 纯粹黑色
    • 超广视角
    • 快速响应
  • Blue Eye Pictogram
    • 低蓝光
    • 无闪烁
    • 健康护眼
  • A pictogram made by twisting green leaves into a heart
    • 生产时不含有害物质
    • 观看时有害物质
    • 地球垃圾最小化
LCD and OLED TVs are placed on the left and right sides, and both panels shows the night sky with the full moon rising. While LCD TVs are a little blurry, OLED TVs show a very clear full moon. LCD and OLED TVs are placed on the left and right sides, and both panels shows the night sky with the full moon rising. While LCD TVs are a little blurry, OLED TVs show a very clear full moon.


每个像素自发光, 精准还原本真色彩的 "实时像素控光" OLED是由数千万个像素独立自发光,并控制色彩和明暗,所以不会发生画质失真。能够通过毫无损失的精准画质,传递真实的电视,唯有OLED。

One TV has an LCD on the left and an OLED panel on the right, and the screen tiger is much clearer on the OLED side, and an actual tiger stands on the right. One TV has an LCD on the left and an OLED panel on the right, and the screen tiger is much clearer on the OLED side, and an actual tiger stands on the right.


如亲眼所见般真实的 "100%精准色彩" 几乎所有电视都在宣传色彩表现有所提升,但只有OLED电视能实现100%色彩保真度。如今,人们更多地通过电视来认识世界,所以在购买时请选择,能够真实展现自然色彩和导演意图的电视。

There are two identical screens of a man standing in a black hat and black clothes, LCD on the left and OLED TVs on the right. On the right screen, the man's expression and eyes are shown in more detail. There are two identical screens of a man standing in a black hat and black clothes, LCD on the left and OLED TVs on the right. On the right screen, the man's expression and eyes are shown in more detail.


无论在黑暗场景,还是鲜活生动的色彩场景,都能呈现细腻逼真的 "纯粹黑色" 如果您不想错过浩瀚星辰奔涌而来的心潮澎湃,或是黑暗场景下演员的微妙表情与细腻的情感表达,那么请选择

The three screens are located on the left and right sides of the front, respectively, and the more they go from left to right, the clearer the screen with blue butterflies flying. The three screens are located on the left and right sides of the front, respectively, and the more they go from left to right, the clearer the screen with blue butterflies flying.


"超广视角" 在各种位置下,都能为您呈现精准画质 在电视所在空间内, OLED电视向不同观众传递真实的画质。能够实现观看位置更加自由的电视,唯有OLED。

The color of the orange sports car is blurred on the LCD TV, while the color and movement of the sports car are clearly shown on the OLED TV on the right. The color of the orange sports car is blurred on the LCD TV, while the color and movement of the sports car are clearly shown on the OLED TV on the right.


"快速响应" 让运动画面毫无卡顿,真实传递原片情景 购买时请选择,拥有更快响应速度,无画面拖影或丢帧现象,精准传达原片各种情景的OLED电视。

LCD TVs and OLED TVs are watched in one sunglasses, but the glasses on the left side of the LCD TV are still blue, while the glasses on the right side are gray. LCD TVs and OLED TVs are watched in one sunglasses, but the glasses on the left side of the LCD TV are still blue, while the glasses on the right side are gray.


"低蓝光" 既能减轻眼睛疲劳,也不影响睡眠 购买时请选择,蓝光低50%*、获得 "UL" 和 "TUV" 双认证的OLED电视。 * 出自LG Display检测结果

The two screens show three white horses running in the same way, but LCD TV blinks in the middle, while OLED TV does not. The two screens show three white horses running in the same way, but LCD TV blinks in the middle, while OLED TV does not.


OLED屏幕无任何闪烁,不会损害您的眼睛 该显示屏通过消除裸眼无法捕捉到的频闪现象,最大限度地减少眼睛疲劳。为了您家人的视力健康,请选择UL和TUV认证的OLED屏幕。

The boy on the left, dressed in blue stripes, is wearing glasses and frowning, while the girl in pink on the right is smiling while taking off her glasses. The boy on the left, dressed in blue stripes, is wearing glasses and frowning, while the girl in pink on the right is smiling while taking off her glasses.


"健康护眼" 让 "护眼" 和 "画质" 兼而有之 当今,无论是娱乐,还是教育和工作,都越来越依赖电视。如果您,既担心家人的眼健康,又对画质并不妥协,那么,"健康护眼" 认证的OLED电视就是您的明智之选。

A deer rushes into OLED TV with a green forest, and two rainbow birds sit on the branches above it. A deer rushes into OLED TV with a green forest, and two rainbow birds sit on the branches above it.


更低有害物质的 "环保显示屏" 在制造显示屏的过程中,往往采用对人体和环境有害的镉和磷化铟等。 不仅是为了家人的健康,也是为了把更好的环境留给下一代,必须要努力减少有害物质。 请务必确认是否为SGS认证的OLED环保显示屏。

Purple flowers, grass, and an agaeha are being watched on TV, a woman is smelling in front of the TV, and the kitten under the TV is making a mess of the agaeha on the screen. Purple flowers, grass, and an agaeha are being watched on TV, a woman is smelling in front of the TV, and the kitten under the TV is making a mess of the agaeha on the screen.


没有新居综合症的 "环保显示屏" 为了您和家人的健康,并降低有害物排放,购买时请选择,采用环保技术的OLED电视。

Various parts are placed behind the LCD TV on the left, old iron is placed in the front, and OLED TV on the right has an eco-friendly logo. Various parts are placed behind the LCD TV on the left, old iron is placed in the front, and OLED TV on the right has an eco-friendly logo.


地球滞留更少垃圾的 "环保显示屏" 既超卓轻薄而美观,又减少了塑料和配件垃圾,唯有



  • Accurate pictogram
    • OLED屏幕卓越的色彩准确度
    • 完美黑色带来生动的画质和富有表现力的色彩
    Intertek color performance certification, Intertek excellent gaming performance certification, UL flicker-free certification
  • Blue Eye Pictogram
    • 低蓝光
    • 无闪烁,不刺眼
    • 观看时眼睛舒适
    eyesafe certified, TUV certified UL Low Blue Light Certified, UL Flicker Free Certified UL glare-free display certification, UL visual comfort certification TUV Circadian Friendly Certified *适用于27英寸和65英寸OLED面板 Intertek Anti-Reflective Display Certification *适用于55-88英寸OLED面板
  • A pictogram made by twisting green leaves into a heart
    • 减少产品中的有害物质, 实现环保
    • 重复利用率高
    • 减少大气污染
    SGS Green Product Certification, ecovadis Sustainability Certification, MSCI ESG AA Certification, Carbon Trust Carbon Footprint Certification, UL Low Plastic Product Certification *适用于27-97英寸OLED面板

* LG Display使用的MSCI ESG RESEARCH LLC及其关联公司(以下简称"MSCI")的所有数据,以及在此提及的MSCI标识、商标、服务标志、索引名称等的使用,并不意味MSCI对LG Display的赞助、认可、推荐或宣传。MSCI的服务和数据归MSCI或其信息提供者所有,仅以现有状态提供,并不附带任何形式的保证。MSCI的名称和标志是MSCI所有的商标权或服务标志。



  • HIL(Hole Injection Layer) : 空穴注入层
  • EML(Emission Layer) : 发射层
  • EIL(Electron Injection Layer) : 电子注入层
  • HTL(Hole Transport Layer) : 空穴传输层
  • ETL(Electron Transport Layer) : 电子传输层
  • Exciton : 激子(一个电子和一个电子空穴的束缚态)