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LG Display believes that building an environment where employees can work safely and in good health is essential for sustainable corporate activities. LG Display promotes 4 innovative measures for safety management to realize a safe workplace, and makes every effort to spread and establish a safety culture by enacting the LG Display Safety Rules and the 8 Life Rules and implementing smart safety suggestions with the participation of employees.

Health and
Safety Policy

LG Display's health and safety mission is to “realize a safe and healthy workplace through world-class safety and environment management practices.” LG Display strives to minimize and control risks in all worksites and all areas in order to secure a fully safe workplace. Furthermore, to minimize the occurrence of serious accidents at worksites, it has established a global-level integrated safety management system and have been promoting fundamental safety management activities.

4 Innovative Measures for Safety Management

  • 01.
    Conduct a micro safety diagnosis on all LG Display workplaces with the participation of global professional agencies and suppliers' employees working at the forefront of the worksite.
  • 02.
    Promote the internalization of major risky tasks to realize responsible safety management.
  • 03.
    Foster safety environment professionals and reinforce support for suppliers.
  • 04.
    Strengthen the authority and capacity of the safety division, such as creating the position of the Chief Safety and Environment Officer (CSEO), and increase the number of related personnel to hire.

Safety & Health
System and
Management System

LG Display formed the Safety and Environment Division under the Chief of Safety and Environment Officer (CSEO) to significantly strengthen its authority and capabilities. CSEO serves as a control tower overseeing the safety environment, such as preparing and inspecting safe environment policies for domestic and overseas workplaces, and establishing a systematic management system, and has the similar level of authority as the CEO, such as issuing an order to stop production or work when an accident risk is detected. LG Display also operates a safety and health management system at domestic and overseas workplaces based on Environmental, Health, Safety and Energy Policy to create a safe and healthy working environment, and acquired the certification in 2020 by converting the existing safety and health related standard, OHSAS 18001, to the safety and health management system standard, ISO 45001.

Integrated Safety
Management System

LG Display has established an Integrated Safety Management (ISM) system to prevent omissions in safety and health-related legal tasks such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act and to organize safety and health activities efficiently. This ISM enables systematic safety management as it includes various features such as chemical substance management system, accident history management, and inspection of compliance with safety and health related laws and regulations.

Main Functions of Integrated Safety Management System

Main Functions of Integrated Safety Management System
Item Improvements
Safety and Health Information Provide materials such as safety standards and guidelines
Safe Work Practices Management Work permit status, information on dangerous tasks, risk assessment DB, safety manager certification
Safety Culture Provide materials for Safety Talk and praising and encouraging employees
Safety Report Ask for improvement on unreasonable safety issues and suggest ideas
Accident History & Statistics Reporting and analysis of near-miss accidents and accidents, accident generalization, accident trends and statistics
Education & Training Management Establish safety education program and emergency training plan and check progress status
Chemical Substances Inquire about chemical substances and provide data such as MSDSs
PPE Management PPE purchase and payment history management
Legal Activities Management Process Safety Management (PSM), Safety Management of Hazardous Machinery and Dangerous Materials

Reduction of
Fundamental Risks
in the Workplace

The equipment safety certification system implemented by LG Display is a system that evaluates all new equipment by applying safety specifications that comply with domestic and international standards. The department in charge reflects safety specifications on all equipment in the company from the time of investment and reconfirms the reflection of safety specifications by conducting self-evaluation. Furthermore, LG Display seeks to prevent accidents by identifying potential risk factors and evaluating risks through risk assessment prior to work for all work carried out within the workplace.

Steps in the risk assessment process

  1. 1.
    Categorize the work activities.
  2. 2.
    Identify and identify risk factors.
  3. 3.
    Assess the risk and make a decision.
  4. 4.
    Decide whether to accept the risk.
  5. 5.
    Prepare a risk management action plan.
  6. 6.
    Review the adequacy of the action plan.
  7. 7.
    Register and manage major risks.

Response System

The LG Display Central Control Center comprehensively monitors firefighting equipment, utilities, weather, gas and chemical information in real time. Systems and professionals are in place to quickly spread news and respond to emergencies.

Safety Rules & 8 Life Rules

LG Display enacts and implements LG Display Safety Rules to prevent accidents for all employees, including the company and its suppliers, in its workplaces. LG Display also takes the lead in preventing serious accidents by enacting the 8 Life Rules on safety devices, confined spaces, working at height, electricity, heavy objects, forklifts, firearms, and chemicals. Various efforts are being made to establish such a safe work culture.

LG Display Safety Rules

Safety Rules as the basis
for accident prevention

  • 01.Be sure to follow the 8 Life Rules.
  • 02.Include and comply with safety provisions for all work procedures.
  • 03.Warm up sufficiently before outdoor activities including exercise.
  • 04.In case of any safety absurdity or accident, immediately report it to the central control center.
  • 05.Provide hazard information to suppliers and issue safe work permits before they start work.
  • 06.Wear proper safety protective gears when working.
  • 07.Wear a seat belt while driving a vehicle and do not drink and drive.

8 Life Rules

8 Life Rules for Prevention
of Serious Accidents

  • 01.Safety devices are prohibited from being released or changed arbitrarily, and approval must be obtained for any release or change.
  • 02.When working at height, take fall prevention measures such as wearing a safety harness.
  • 03.When working with heavy objects, take preventive measures against separation and overturning.
  • 04.Take measures to isolate the surrounding flammable materials when working with heat.
  • 05.Measure oxygen concentration and harmful gases before and during work in confined spaces.
  • 06.When working with electricity, start working after confirming that there is no live wire.
  • 07.When working with the forklift, observe the speed specified by the company and wear a seat belt.
  • 08.When working with chemicals, implement leak prevention measures such as closing valves and removing residues.

Health Promotion

LG Display organizes various activities for disease prevention and health management of its employees. First, in order to minimize potential health risks of employees, it has been steadily pushing ahead with regular health assessments, promotion of preventive health policies, and improvement of the chemical management system. In the event that any of our employees or suppliers' employees at LG Display's workplaces develop cancer, rare or incurable diseases, or their children develop such diseases, comprehensive support is provided regardless of work-relatedness. In addition, LG Display provides medical services such as customized comprehensive health checkups and vaccinations at in-house clinics and health management centers, and analyzes the results of examinations and trends in work-related accidents, injuries, and diseases to identify the root cause.

LG Display establishes a safety management system to strengthen the safety management of suppliers, and supports safety training and capacity building activities. In addition, various communication channels are operated to facilitate two-way communication with suppliers.

Safety Management
System for Suppliers

In order to help suppliers improve their safety competencies, LG Display formed a win-win cooperative group with in-house suppliers and external suppliers that handle hazardous chemicals, and provides various programs for shared growth such as planning, implementation, and evaluation of safety and health activities. LG Display discovers harmful risk factors in the workplace through technical support for risk assessment, takes measures and improves them, and based on this, promotes win-win safety activities to prevent accidents with suppliers.

Safety Training and
Capacity Building for

LG Display strives to raise the bar of safety management by conducting basic course training and evaluation for safety officers of each supplier so that only personnel with proven professional competence play the role of safety officers in charge of work safety management. Also, through the Safety Academy, LG Display provides practical training such as wearing a safety harness, fire suppression, and CPR to strengthen the safety and health competencies of suppliers.

Communication with Suppliers

LG Display selects excellent suppliers in categories such as safety management and safety suggestions, and encourages and rewards them for their excellent activities. To facilitate two-way communication with suppliers, a safety council is convened once a month and a smart safety suggestion system is in operation at all times.

Corporate safety and health management is linked to the work efficiency of its own employees, overseas subsidiaries, and employees of partner companies. LG Display identifies and eliminates safety threats that may affect workers in advance, and strives to continuously spread a safety culture throughout the company.

Strengthening Safety Competencies

LG Display strengthens the risk management capabilities of its employees by conducting regular and frequent risk assessments to identify potential risks with the participation of employees. Furthermore, regular safety and health training, statutory mandatory training including safety training for managers and supervisors, 'Safety and Health Mindset' training for all employees, and specialized training courses for each position and job are organized on a regular basis to strengthen the competencies of employees. A smart system for safety suggestions is also in operation, which points out irrationality related to health and safety and collects ideas for improvement.

Safety Culture
Promotion Program

LG Display organizes various in-house programs to bring out changes in employees' sense of safety. As part of that effort, LG Display strives to establish its own safety culture in coopration with external professional agencies by identifying the direction for improvement through safety culture awareness diagnosis and consulting.