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CSR Activities

LG Display aims to achieve win-win growth with local communities through customized CSR activities that meet the needs of local communities. LG Display strives to become a global company that fulfills its social responsibilities throughout its business sites in Korea and around the world.

Health/Medical Care

  • 01.Children's Eye Health
    Putting on a musical about children's eye health To help children around the age of 7, when their eyesight is fully developed, and their parents, recognize the importance of keeping their eyes healthy, LG Display provides educational programs based on musicals for infants and toddlers and first to third grade elementary school students in underprivileged areas across the country. Through lyrics and dance moves about safety rules for eye health, we help children develop a deeper understanding and interest in them.
  • 02.an eye examination for children
    Supporting eye exams and treatment for children LG Display provide eye exams to preschool children in medically underserved areas to support early detection and treatment of eye diseases such as strabismus and amblyopia. In addition, we select children and adolescents suffering from eye diseases such as strabismus, retinal detachment, and cataracts, and provide assistance with their surgical expenses.


  • 03.Creating a Safe Area
    Establishing a ‘Local Safety-Net’ for a safe community Together with the Paju and Gumi regional police stations, LG Display installed traffic lights and solar lights on crosswalks and sidewalks in areas at risk of crime and traffic accidents to improve nighttime lighting. By the same token, we provided reflective cards to students who had just entered elementary school and installed yellow footprint floor decals and logo projectors to help prevent traffic accidents and crimes around the school. We are also helping to create a safety-oriented city by providing training to residents of rural villages located far from fire stations and supporting residential firefighting facilities.
  • 04.Climate and environmental education for children
    ‘Green Campaigner’, a climate and environmental education program for children LG Display provide environmental education classes in conjunction with the Office of Education for future generations. We help local elementary school students grow as responsible citizens who protect their rights and the environment by understanding the phenomenon, causes, and problems of the climate crisis and planning campaigns to put them into practice in their daily lives.


  • 05.Target for childcare facilities
    Supporting IT power plants for childcare facilities The IT Power Plant, an IT education support project to bridge the information gap for underprivileged children, is one of LG Display's major CSR activities. Starting in 2008, we have established a total of 58 facilities in Korea and abroad, and are continuously supporting facility improvement and IT education programs.
  • 06.a low-income family
    ‘LGD Wings of Hope Club’, a scholarship society for gifted youth from low-income families Since 2011, LG Display has been supporting the dreams of gifted youth in arts, physical education, science and engineering who are experiencing financial difficulties through a program called ‘Wings of Hope for Talent Development’ sponsored by all employees. Many of the students who received help with educational expenses are going on to high schools and universities in all fields, and are achieving excellent performances in various competitions held in Korea and around the world.

Employee Engagement

  • 07.Donation to Employees
    Dream Fund, an employee donation platform LG Display has been managing the LG Dream Fund, an employee donation platform established in 2011. We encourage employees' voluntary participation in donations through online platforms and electronic donation boxes installed at each office and plant location. Every year, about 5,000 employees donate more than $250,000 to help underprivileged children and neighbors in need in Korea and around the world.
  • 08.a low-income family
    ‘Miracle of Christmas’, a donation campaign for children from low-income families ‘Miracle of Christmas’ is a donation campaign in which employees become Santas for children from low-income families. Thanks to the active participation of LG Display employees, about 1,000 children receive the Christmas gifts they each want every year.
  • 09.holiday linkage
    ‘Voluncation’, a 2-day and 1-night volunteer service while on vacation As one of LG Display's unique corporate social responsibility activities, we have been promoting 'Voluncation', in which employees use their vacation time to engage in volunteer work. Employees are encouraged to participate in seasonal volunteer activities and enjoy local experiences, such as helping out at farms in rural areas that are short of workers during the harvest season due to aging and workforce decline, supporting eye examinations and holding sports competitions for elementary school students in culturally underprivileged areas.
  • 10.Social contribution
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Subscription Campaign LG Display runs a 'CSR Subscription Campaign' in which employees donate a certain amount of money every month to social enterprises that create jobs for the underprivileged and take the lead in environmental protection and experience the companies' products once a quarter. By participating in this subscription campaign, employees support socially vulnerable groups such as the homeless, hearing-impaired florists, and children leaving orphanages so that they can confidently become independent.
  • 11.ESG-linked
    ESG-oriented employee engagement activities LG Display promotes various practical ESG campaigns so that employees can participate in environmental protection in their daily lives. We encourage employees to actively participate in CSR activities to raise ESG awareness, such as using in-house smart recycling bins, reducing the use of disposable products such as paper cups and plastics, and launching a Zero Waste campaign to encourage the use of eco-friendly products.
  • 12.Guangzhou Corporation
    Guangzhou Subsidiary organized CSR activities for Luogang Nursing Home Guangzhou Subsidiary organized CSR activities for about 50 seniors at a local nursing home on October 24, 2022. A much-needed manual mahjong table was donated to the nursing home, a temporary shelter with limited leisure facilities, allowing the elderly to have more fun playing mahjong, an indoor activity that may help prevent dementia.
  • 13.Nanjing Corporation
    Nanjing Subsidiary organizes a choir at Lianyungang Special Education Center Nanjing Subsidiary has been carrying out CSR activities for the Lianyungang Special Education Center since 2017. We established a Braille library in the school, provided Braille and three-dimensional books, and donated clothes to blind children in need. Since 2018, professional teachers have been invited to organize a choir, which has been very popular with blind children.
  • 14.Yeontae Corporation
    Yantae Subsidiary donates rice to village residents in celebration of the Lunar New Year The Yantai factory, built on land transferred from nearby villages such as Nanyujia and Linguanzhuang, initially had some impact on the livelihoods of the village residents, but was able to be completed without difficulty thanks to the positive cooperation of the village steering committee and residents. To express our gratitude and to maintain an ongoing friendly partnership with the village, we donate essential items to residents every year during important holidays such as Lunar New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival, and this year, we delivered about 1,000 bags of rice to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
  • 15.a Vietnamese corporation
    Vietnam subsidiary promotes ‘Eye Care’ project We promoted the ‘Eye Care’ project, which provides free eye examinations and medicines to elderly people living in communities near our Vietnam subsidiary, and provided full cost of surgery to those diagnosed with cataracts.