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EVP stands for Employee Value Proposition and refers to the differentiated and distinguished values that LG Display provide.

You Dream, We Display.
Career Success
  • PridePride
    LG Display is a workplace overflowing with pride that leads the industry market, armed with the ‘leading technology’ and ‘The Best Display Solution Company’ spirit.
    • The Best Display Solution Company
    • The highest competitiveness with cutting edge technology
    • Recognition & Reward for Outstanding Performance
    • Social Contribution Activities
  • Career SuccessCareer Success
    LG Display supports employees professional growth by providing opportunities to take on challenges and the environment to bring out the best performance through proactive cooperation among employees, promoting a workplace that nourishes professional development.
    • Opportunities to take on challenges
    • Career path to develop into experts and leaders in the their own fields
    • Chance to growth along with company
  • JoyfulnessJoyfulness
    LG Display is a joyful workplace where the employees can concentrate on valuable duties while at work by encouraging work and life balance.
    • Lively organizational atmosphere
    • Peaceful body and mind
    • Family-friendly organizational culture