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Supply Chain

Conflict Minerals Policy

LG Display has established the Conflict Minerals Management Policy to comply with laws and fulfill its social responsibilities.
LG Display support them to purchase through a smelter that is free from conflict minerals by asking suppliers to establish conflict minerals policies and procedures, investigate the current status of conflict minerals use, and establish risk response procedure plans to ensure that conflict minerals related to armed groups in conflict zones are not included in the supply chain for the production of their own products.
LG Display will actively participate in international efforts to ban the use of conflict minerals together with its suppliers and customers, thereby fulfilling its social responsibility to protect the human rights of the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries.

Conflict minerals refer to tantalum, tungsten, tin, and gold originated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its adjoining countries (“Covered Countries”). There are concerns that the conflict minerals fund armed forces of the Covered Countries causing many deaths of their own people and infringement of human rights in the course of mineral excavation such as forced labor and abuse of women and children. In response to these concerns, the United States Congress enacted the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”). Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act (“Conflict Minerals Rule”) requires manufacturing companies listed in U.S. stock exchange to disclose whether the products they manufacture or contract to manufacture contain conflict minerals.

As a responsible corporate citizen, LG Display’s policy is to eliminate the use of conflict minerals contained in our products that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Covered Countries.

In support of our Conflict Minerals Policy, LG Display will:Implement procedures compliant with and in support of the activities of the RMI(Responsible Minerals Initiative) and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.Endeavor to trace the conflict minerals back to the source, at least to the smelter or refiner level through use of the RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template(“Form”).Require our suppliers to submit the Form or otherwise verify in writing that all products supplied to LG Display do not contain conflict minerals from the Covered Countries that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in those Covered Countries.Direct our suppliers, whenever possible, to source conflict minerals from the smelters validated through RMAP(Responsible Minerals Assurance Process)Establish a supply chain due diligence process for identifying the source of conflict minerals based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and when necessary, perform due diligence on suppliers’ source and chain of custody of conflict minerals.Disclose the use of conflict minerals in accordance with the Conflict Minerals Final Rule.LG Display also requires our suppliers to familiarize themselves with the Conflict Minerals Rule and expects our suppliers to adhere to the Conflict Minerals Rule and LGD’s Conflict Minerals Policy to ensure alignment throughout their own supply chain.

LG Display also requires our suppliers to familiarize themselves with the Conflict Minerals Rule and expects our suppliers to adhere to the Conflict Minerals Rule and LG Display Conflict Minerals Policy to ensure alignment throughout their own supply chain.

LG Display expects and will obligate our Suppliers to: Have a documented conflict mineral policy and procedures to ensure that all products supplied to LG Display do not contain conflict minerals from the Covered Countries that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in those Covered Countries.Identify through reasonable efforts all smelters that supply conflict minerals in their supply chain.Submit a complete Form containing conflict minerals information in a timely manner to LG Display.
Correct promptly any risk identified in their supply chain.
Should LG Display come to know or have reason to suspect that a supplier is procuring conflicts minerals from a Covered Country that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in those Covered Countries, LG Display will notify such supplier in writing and give the supplier reasonable time to cure the non-compliance and submit documentation showing the non-use of such conflicts minerals. If the supplier does not cure or cannot provide proper documentation evidencing a change in the sourcing of conflicts minerals, or is found to have provided false records or information at any time, LG Display may terminate its business with that supplier.

As a part of a commitment to corporate responsibility, LG Display will voluntarily contribute to prevent violation of human rights in the Covered Countries through collaboration with our customers and suppliers. We will continue our efforts to source conflict-free minerals to achieve a conflict-free supply chain.

Management of Conflict Minerals

LG Display established a response process for conflict minerals, formed an organization to respond to conflict minerals, and conducted investigations on the use of conflict minerals, risk management for suppliers, smelter risk management and improvement activities, and due diligence activities, and efforts have been made to help people understand the conflict minerals regulation law. In addition, LG Display has been implementing reasonable response activities through collaboration with various stakeholders such as the government, customers, and various organizations.

Status of Conflict Minerals Usage

Investigation Results of Conflict Mineral Use Smelters (2023)

Status of Conflict Minerals Usage
Type Tantalum Tin Tungsten Gold Total
Total 32 68 31 89 220
Third Party Audit Participation (%) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Conformant 32 68 31 89 220
Active - - - - -
Non-participating - - - - -

Future Measures

LG Display will make active efforts as follows so that the entire supply chain can be supplied through conflict-free smelters.

  • LG Display will raise awareness of conflict minerals regulations through supply chain due diligence and education so that they can respond voluntarily, and encourage more smelters and refineries to voluntarily participate in the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP).
  • In addition, LG Display will actively participate in the regulation of prohibition of the use of conflict minerals through public-private cooperation with customers, partners, government, and academic societies, and do its best to ensure responsible mineral procurement so as not to use unethical minerals that cause human rights violations and environmental destruction, as well as minerals related to armed groups in conflict zones.