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Eco-friendly workplace

Compliance of Environmental Regulations

LG Display employs technical specialists in various fields to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. The company also actively prevents non-compliance by installing and operating a range of environmental contamination prevention facilities for processing environmental contaminants in due process. The company established an internal compliance risk management organization for environmental matters, which conducts regular inspections to assess regulatory compliance and risk status in both global and local branch offices.

Cases of a Non-Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Compliance of Environmental Regulations
Classification Unit 2021 2022 2023
Cases of a Non-Compliance with Environmental Regulations Cases - - -
Fine Amount one million won - - -

* No fines or penalties exceeding KRW 10 million

Contaminant Discharge Management

LG Display primarily treats chemicals and water contaminants at all its business sites using in-house wastewater treatment facilities. All wastewater discharged from the company is then released into public wastewater treatment facilities. Additionally, to reduce environmental impact, we establish and maintain in-house water contaminant discharge concentration standards that are more stringent than the legal requirements.
Furthermore, LG Display has installed and operates optimal environmental pollution prevention facilities to minimize air pollutant emissions during process. Specifically, the company installed and operates backup facilities within all the prevention facilities to ensure proper contaminant treatment in case of failure. Also, it continuously improves process and invests in facilities to enhance the efficient treatment of air pollutants.

Chemical Substance Discharge Management

LG Display has implemented a preliminary screening system for all chemical substances introduced to its global and local branch offices. This system assesses their compliance with relevant laws and in-house standards, and it prohibits the purchase of non-compliant products. Additionally, the company identifies prohibited substances and conducts activities for developing alternative substances and establishes principles for managing alternative substances (tracking usage status, conducting on-site inspections, etc.) to prevent health issues among workers.
To prevent chemical accidents and enhance education, workers have access to the latest Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to share chemical information. They are also managed and trained through the in-house training system, especially those who handle chemicals. Externally, the company makes dedicated efforts to prevent chemical accidents by regularly sharing accident prevention measures and response plans with relevant agencies, neighboring residents, and workplaces.

Chemical Management Process

  • Import (Securing safety in advance)

    • New

    • Pre-approval

    • Purchase

    • Review Whether to Import

    • Pre-Screening of Chemical

      Reject Block Purchase

    • Import into

      Import Declaration Review for Chemicals

      Reject Import
      into Korea
      Block Customs Clearance

    • Purchase / Customs Clearance

  • Store/Use
    (Preventive Safety

    • Receive

    • Store

    • Use

    • Safe Use

      • Chemical Substance Labeling*

      • Training

      • Inspection/

      • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Emergency

    • Emergency Response

    • Emergency Response (Training)

    • Chemical Accident Report

* Keep the latest Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)